奖学金 available! 4月1日前申请

在2024年4月1日之前申请2024年秋季入学的转学生将自动被录取 considered for scholarships.


凯发,转学生拥有打造未来所需的一切 他们想要的. 转到凯发,你就可以获得转学奖学金, 一个帮助你在课堂内外取得成功的支持网络,这是堪萨斯最多样化的 college campus, applied learning and flexible class options.

传输网关: A New Transfer Estimator


我们想对你在以前的机构所做的工作给予表扬. 我们的新传输网关工具将让您估计有多少这些学分将 transfer to your desired degree program at 威奇托州立.

准备好使用传输网关,准备好你的非正式成绩单副本 手头. 您还可以选择保存输入的信息 账户.

Neal Hoelting transfer specialist
Student and professor working on a computer.
学术咨询是一种个性化的探索选择和做出正确决定的方式 that help you reach your educational and career goals.
Student sitting across a desk from an advisor
双重建议允许计划转到凯发的学生制定计划 在学习方面,避免上不必要的课,接受最新的信息 威奇托州立.
Clash of the Colleges event
从350多个年度校园活动到数百个学生俱乐部和组织, getting involved at 威奇托州立 is easy and fun.
Group of students around an island in a kitchen in the Flats Apartments.
Campus living puts you in the middle of all the action. The Flats offer modern, clean and comfortable living—and quick access to everything campus offers.
Student holding a model of a project he designed.
获得实践经验、专业人脉、大学学分甚至薪水, all while working on your degree.

More admissions information

Transfer Admission Requirements

If you are a transfer student with 24 credit hours or more, you must:
最少2个.00 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00比例尺) on all previous college work.

1. 最少2个.00 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00比例尺) on all previous college work.
2. Meet the freshman requirements.

Freshman Requirements

如果你是2015年毕业的堪萨斯大学新生(21岁以下) 之后,你必须:
1. ACT综合成绩达到21分或以上,或SAT-I综合成绩达到最低 of 1080, OR
2. Rank in the top one-third of your high schools' graduating class,
3. 完成 堪萨斯 Qualified Admissions Pre-College Curriculum 至少有一个2.00 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00比例尺. Out-of-state residents 必须得2分.50 or higher GPA on a 4.00比例尺.

Complete coursework equivalent to the 堪萨斯 Qualified Admissions Pre-College Curriculum 有一个2.平均绩点为00,ACT成绩达到21分或以上,或SAT综合成绩 至少有1080个. If you enroll in college courses while in high school, you must 达到2分.00 GPA or higher in those courses.

If you obtained your GED, you must:
2002年至2013年的普通教育水平考试:每项分项考试的最低分数为510分,并获得满分 overall score of 2550 to be admitted.

对于2014年及以后的GED考试:每个子测试的最低分数为150分,并有一个 overall score of 680 to be admitted.

 Admission Requirements

Vea esta información en español


Course transfer graphic

有越来越多的课程得到了堪萨斯大学校董会的认可 transfer among all 堪萨斯 public postsecondary institutions. From College Algebra and English Composition I & II, to Public Speaking and Art History I & 二、学生 谁完成了堪萨斯公立学校的转学保证课程 社区学院,技术学院,或大学可以肯定他或她 可以把这门课转到堪萨斯州其他公立机构去攻读学位吗 或凭证.



Reverse course transfer

从堪萨斯州公共社区转到堪萨斯州公立大学的学生 college or technical college (or vice versa) are eligible for 反向传输,可获得任何符合资格的副学士学位 along the way to additional certificates and degrees. Within a student's first semester, 从公立大学、社区学院或技术学院转学的学生 如果他们有资格被考虑反向转学,学院将被通知 学位状况,以及完成相关学位所需的课程. 学生 然后谁完成了给定的副学士学位课程将有资格 获得该学位后,自动管理新人之间的通信 机构和大学、社区学院或技术学院的学生 去年参加了.


Articulation Agreements

See a listing of articulation agreements 威奇托州立 University has with other colleges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see what you’re looking for? Browse our list of frequently asked questions for 更多关于录取过程的信息,录取学生的步骤,辅导员 and advisor information, Shocker Family programs and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not a transfer student? 

Select your status below to get admissions information tailored for you. 

Future Shocker blog graphicFuture Shocker blog graphic